Independent waterproofing system

Before I go to the topic "independent waterproofing system" let us discuss some conventional systems. We are familiar with some conventional waterproofing systems

Brush applied coating system

1. Single component coating
2. Two component coating

Membrane treatment system

Membranes available so far are bitumen based membranes like Tarfelt, Polyester Reinforced Membrane etc. They are available in different thicknesses and of the various price range.Let's discuss them in some details

Waterproofing coating- Coating treatment is widely used in our country for some few years.For horizontal treatment of surfaces like a terrace, terrace garden, podium slab, sunken slab; two component chemical is generally preferred. Two component product has compound A (powder) + compound B(Polymer liquid).               Many companies are there, across the globe placed there two component waterproofing chemical in a arket. Every product has its different powder to liquid ratio; here let me clarify that as far as two component products are concerned, powder to liquid ratio is a very crucial part for determining the quality of final outcome.More the polymer liquid content with respect to powder, higher will be the quality of coating because higher polymer content leads to more flexible coating.
                         The most important thing i want  to discuss here is that

                  " waterproofing coating is a dependent waterproofing system"

                     Let me explain by "dependent waterproofing system" what i mean  

     when any type of brush applied coating is done on any surface, that completely sticks over the surface and become dependent on the stability of the surface. If any kind of deformation, undulation occurs on the substrate; that will reflect on the coating. If crack develops on the surface, coating will also be cracked, no matter how flexible the coating is.
                     "If crack develops on the surface, coating will also be cracked"

                 Watch this video, this will further clarify how brush applied coating system behave on a concrete surface. 
    When we try to peel off the layer of coating from the surface, it is clear that the coating layer has very firm adhesion with the surface. It is completely sticked with the surface. This is the reason why it is a dependent waterproofing system.
Let me show you some images of crack development on brush applied waterproofing coating 


           In above images cracks are clearly visible. Brush applied two component flexible waterproofing coating was done on that surface. Despite its property of flexibility, It cracked and failed.
          But this does not mean that "brush applied coating system" should not be used any where. In situations like concrete slab of small area, sunken portion of toilet etc. (where possibility of deflection is low).Also, on those surfaces which are not going to be exposed directly to the sunlight or harsh outside atmosphere.
         So, we need a system which does not depend upon the surface on which is applied. It must not be cracked when crack appears on the surface or when applied on a cracked surface. I am going to discuss about a new age acrylic membrane system

                                                Independent waterproofing system

       Independent waterproofing system by "Flexible acrylic membrane". There are two ways by which this system can be applied over the surface.
       1. Pre cast factory made flexible membrane


             This type of membrane has many advantages over conventional membrane systems.
  • Flexibility- It is a very elastic material. therefor it can bear the movements on moving joints like construction joints
  • Easy application methodology- Acrylic based membranes are applied with the help of adhesive(comes along with the pickeging).This is a relatively easy task, Unlike tar based membranes which are applied by melting with the help of fire torch, which is very tedious job and requires highly skilled men power.  
  • UV stability- It is a UV stable product and does not melt at very high atmospheric temperature. Hence, gives longer life.
  • Temperature control - Being an acrylic by chemical base and white colored top coat, it prevents the surface to become hot on which it is applied and hence prevents the room or hall beneath that to become hot at high atmospheric temperature conditions. 

                                    This is called "independent waterproofing system "
          watch this video "a step by step process of how to apply the membrane"


  2. In situ membrane system( on site membrane making)
       Let me explain this in situ membrane making system by a video. This will clarify every thing by itself.

Now, have a look at how membrane forms on the surface after doing all above shown processes

Membrane behaves independently from the surface on which it is applied. Hence, It will not fail if there will be any failure(like cracks) occurs on the surface. 




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